Customer Value Optimisation

A perspective on having a profitable shop online

Last updated on 7 June 2022. Created on 17 December 2020.

## Why are you ignoring money on the table?

Around the year 2005, the term "Inbound Marketing" started gathering attention. Years later, everybody in the industry knows and is convinced about the value it brings. It's indispensable.

It made a lot of sense back then. Instead of reaching out into the unknown, trying to make yourself heard to everybody you would create something of value. People interested in you or what you have to offer came to you!

Then, people started spamming. The organic results for highly-competitive keywords were polluted with SPAM.

Again, after some time, things improved naturally. The search results improved, companies were putting in a real effort to produce quality stuff etc.

Pay attention to Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): It transforms your e-commerce into a profitable e-commerce.

Things have turned. For the better I would say. Now, the user has multiple, valid choices. Great for the user, not so great for a struggling business.

But here's the thing: all you need to do, is to treat your customer right. That's it! That's the magic sauce (unless you run a monopoly in your industry).

How do you treat them right?

  1. Stop annoying them with countless ads; Stop following them everywhere maybe;
  2. Start understanding them. Not all customers are the same;
  3. Offer what they need and what they are looking for.

Is that it? Yhea, a very high-level view.

Instead of pouring all your money into Facebook and Google for ads trying to always get new customers (having a really high churn rate in the process), try NOT ignoring your current customers. Or old ones.

Much easier, much cheaper. More bang for the proverbial buck.

How? One word: CVO (Customer Value Optimization)

Start creating your strategy. Take a look at:

ps. just like in the old days, where it wasn't about SEO VS PPC, today it is not about CVO vs CRO or something else. For me, CVO is just like Inbound Marketing. An arsenal of processes and tools that elevate your business.

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