My reason for the "Women in Tech" topic
Because it matters
Last updated on 21 April 2022. Created on 15 April 2022.
I looked at myself in the mirror and had no answer to the question: "What is your purpose in life?"
I still don't have an answer. But now, I have another attempt to get out of my comfort zone and do something that aligns with the way I see the world.
It has recently come to my attention that 62% of the public companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange have at least one woman in a leadership position. Source
The bigger picture is that Romania has a very healthy #balance of men and women in top roles as well as gender-pay equality. At least statistically.
Again, the same statistics tell us that, in Europe, we are one of the top 3 job markets from this equality point of view. Which makes me really happy and proud.
However, things are not so bright when it comes to other countries.
With the rise of remote working, I believe that opportunities are higher than ever for anybody that's passionate to join the tech industry. That's why there's the other topic of #career-switch.
A word that should be erased from our dictionary, or at least demoted to 'archaic' should be this one: Mansplaining.
This is the goal. Through the power of education and examples to show that women are in no way less capable than a man to work in the tech industry. Or to lead a team of developers. Or to be the CTO or CEO of a tech company.
Surely, there are others out there who promote similar ideas. But that shouldn't stop me or anybody else from taking action. Our voices should be heard. Another platform can't hurt.
One more thing to add regarding this. The other tag for this post is #balance and this is not by chance. What it actually means for me goes to the root of this #women-in-tech topic. Which is not that the women are better. It's not that we should "give women equal chances". It's much more simple than that:
The gender should be completely irrelevant when talking about work, roles, careers, responsibilities etc.
These topics are close to my heart. Therefore, they matter. And that's the only reason somebody should need to do something about it.
This is me, doing it.
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