We should pay more attention to our eating behaviour

How you can improve your productivity and health with small changes.

balance 18 February 2021

Configure xDebug 3 and VSCode with Docker

Some gotchas while setting these up together with nginx Alpine and PHP-FPM

dev 31 January 2021

Switch from Medium

story 24 January 2021

Unbaked Digital Ocean Apps Platform

How the dream of one-click deploy fell apart.

dev 15 January 2021

Stress Test your PHP App with POST Requests

Send multiple POST requests with some JSON to test the performance of your app

dev 6 January 2021

Customer Value Optimisation

A perspective on having a profitable shop online

e-commerce 17 December 2020

(On page 11 of 12.)

web story domain intersection remote e-commerce dev balance apps books career switch women in tech agency life