(Posts filtered by e-commerce.)

Client-side and server-side A/B testing

My take on the differences on what many might miss.

webdeve-commerce 4 August 2024

The customer's journey and feedback

So many touchpoints, such schewed data

e-commerce 13 April 2024

Asking for feedback

If you ask for feedback, and you receive it, and then you don't act on it... then why bother at all?

This is available on a personal level as well as a business one.

If you ask me to spend time sending you some feedback (through NPS or otherwise) and then nothing really happens -- more often than not I get annoyed.

So please, don't ignore #customerfeedback. It will also improve your product or service in the long run, so it's a win-win situation.

And if you struggle with a huge backlog, there are ways to deal with that as well.

Reach out if you have questions - I'm open to technical and non-technical discussions.

e-commerce 30 March 2023

Customer Value Optimisation

A perspective on having a profitable shop online

e-commerce 17 December 2020
web story domain intersection remote e-commerce dev balance apps books career switch women in tech agency life